Steve Ramsey

is helping you learn woodworking

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Support Tier
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For just $2 per month you are helping me to produce WWMM projects, plans, and videos, and to keep them sponsor-free for everyone. As a small thank-you for your support, I'll add your name to the list of patrons on the screen of my videos. I'll also post all my videos directly to Patreon so you can watch them without having to sit through any YouTube ads.

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Producer Tier
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At the $5 level I'm assuming you're an active woodworker, so in addition to all the $2 benefits, you'll also get access to all of my woodworking plans for free.

Patron Tier
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At the $10 level, I consider you a patron of the arts. You get all the benefits of the other tiers, plus a live hangout on Google Meet every so often to chat about woodworking or life in general.

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Steve Ramsey

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